Enviroment - Environment - At Sítios Brigitte, the actions taken to recover and preserve the environment are:
- Organic food cultivation - recovers the soil with composting practices, green manure, planting in straw (Direct Planting System for Vegetables (SPDH)), crop consortium.
- Reforestation with native plant species, whether fruit-bearing or not, and endangered - partnerships with various organizations for the next two years are already underway, such as the TAJ-Litoral project, which aims to strengthen the Juçara palm value chain.
- Gradual replacement of areas covered with Eucalyptus trees with Agroforestry Systems (SAFs).
- Wastewater treatment using Evapotranspiration Basins (BET) or Root Zone Wastewater Treatment Plants (ETZR) and banana circles.
- Waste management - we sort recyclable waste, which is deposited at the collection point on the Carol site for later collection by the Morretes Recyclable Material Collectors' Cooperative - ACOMAREM. Compostable waste is shredded and turned into fertilizer in the compost bins.
- Renewable energy - Sítios Brigitte's solar energy system generates more than double the energy needed by the company.
Social - At Sítios Brigitte, our premise is social development for all. To this end, we carry out the following actions:
- All the employees come from the community and are hired for an indefinite period, in addition to enjoying the prerogatives laid down in the Consolidated Labor Law (CLT).
- The service providers who work with us on a non-employment basis are individual micro-entrepreneurs, also from the local community.
- We invest in the training and qualification of everyone in the group, organizing around five courses a year, mostly related to rural work and worker safety. People from nearby communities and service providers are always invited to take part.
- The team meets at least twice a year to clarify goals, organization, changes, current and future situation. This ensures transparency and commitment from those involved.
- We currently generate employment and social security for 10 families. We have a career plan that takes into account the development and commitment of each member of the group. We strive for equal gender distribution in the company.
Governance - The principles of the transparent administrative organization of gender equality, fairness and respect are preached by the Firm in the following ways:
- We pay special attention to transparency in all our actions, whether between team members, in the administrative environment vis-à-vis regulatory bodies or in partnerships and cooperation.
- Accountability is widely exercised and tasks and results are routinely discussed.
- Fairness in dealings, so that everyone can achieve their goals in a way that suits their potential.
- Our goal is to establish a culture of corporate responsibility in the Firm, where the pronoun "we" is preferred to "I".