Strengthening the Biodiversity-Producing Agroforestry Network of the Paraná Coast - BioSAF

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Strengthening the Biodiversity-Producing Agroforestry Network of the Paraná Coast - BioSAF

Successional Agroforestry Systems (SAFS)

Successional Agroforestry Systems (SAFS) meet the ecological restoration indicators set out in the legislation. In order for SAFS to be even more restorative, it is necessary to build public policies aimed at regulatory incentives and technological solutions that make it possible to increase income generation in these systems, especially in the production and marketing of products during their arboreal successional phase.

The juçara palm (Euterpe edulis Martius) is an important productive species in the tree phase of the SAFS on the coast of Paraná and is considered essential for feeding fauna and promoting the successional dynamics of forest communities.

This project will work on redesigning existing SAFS models on the coast of Paraná, where juçara will be the focus species. This process will be built through the participatory action of farmers, as well as governmental and non-governmental institutions. The project will establish a group of Agroecological Agroforestry Systems with a focus on Juçara, generating biodiversity, food security and sovereignty, as well as promoting income generation.

To achieve these objectives, the project will strengthen the Biodiversity-Producing Agroforestry Network of the Paraná Coast, providing technical support to agroforesters in developing their projects with rigorous technical monitoring. A logic will be established for planning, installing and managing the units of the biodiversity-producing network, qualifying the facilities and routines for processing the products. In addition, the project will strengthen and build knowledge, training agroforestry agents and creating an observatory for the Network.


Strengthening the Biodiversity-Producing Agroforestry Network of the Paraná Coast - BioSAF

New Rural World

Project Four

Project Three

Project Two

Projeto Mundo Novo - Comunidade Rural Lixo Zero


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